EDGE publications

Wulczyn, F., Alpert, L., Monahan-Price, K., Huhr, S., Palinkas, L. A., & Pinsoneault, L. (2015). Research Evidence Use in the Child Welfare System. Child Welfare, 94(2), 141–165. https://www.jstor.org/stable/48623522

Wulczyn, F., Alpert, L., & Monahan-Price, K. (2016). Research evidence use by child welfare agencies. Child Welfare 360, Spring 2016. Retrieved from https://cascw.umn.edu/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/CW360_Spring2016_WEB.pdf

Wulczyn, F., Alpert, L., Huhr, S., & Van Drunen, M. (2024). Research Evidence and Research Evidence Use: Conceptualization and Application to Child Protection. In Elizabeth Fernandez, Penelope Welbourne, Bethany Lee, & Joyce Ma (Eds.), Routledge Handbook of Child and Family Social Work Research: Knowledge Building, Application, and Impact. Springer.